stormy skies

stormy skies

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dr. Robert R. Reppy

Dr. Robert R. Reppy is an osteopathic family medicine doctor who is a prime example of one of the good physicians getting shafted by a justice system gone wild. So eager are the prosecuting attorneys of the DEA and other government authorities to appear "tough" against those who are legitimately abusing the system, that they are quite willing to "throw out the good doctors with the bathwater", so to speak.
Dr. Reppy has never had a patient come to harm. He has never even been named in a lawsuit. Nevertheless, the Powers That Be (which include, in his case, the Tampa DEA and the Department of Health in Tallahassee) intend to strip him of his license and his ability to practice medicine, causing him to lose everything he has worked for his entire life - to drive home the point of how powerful they are. You can be the judge of whether the intended punishment fits the infraction...
Six years ago Dr. Reppy was hired as an hourly employee to be the medical director of a clinic. The clinic was owned by a cartel of non-doctors who also owned a pharmacy, but that financial connection was kept hidden from the doctor. Part of the clinic's business was to use telemedicine to interview patients over the internet and prescribe to them. That was something Dr. Reppy had not seen before and wasn't certain about the legality of it. He did his due diligence, and was shown Florida state statutes maintaining that it was allowable as long as certain documentation standards were maintained. Then he sought the advice of a lawyer, who told him it was legal. He was even shown a letter from the DEA itself, giving its permission.
Nonetheless, the DEA maintains that all that doesn't matter, and that Dr. Reppy must pay dearly for his involvement in an "internet prescribing scheme" that he neither set up, nor profited from. The DEA points to hundreds of prescriptions for narcotics made in his name. Dr. Reppy has proven that these were written by a P.A. (physician's assistant) hired by the owner of the pharmacy and written without Dr. Reppy's permission, while he was on administrative leave tending to his ailing wife who had had recent brain surgery.
"Doesn't matter!" maintains the DEA, since legally a doctor is liable for whatever his PA may do. The PA was being paid by the prescription and made a great deal more money than did the doctor with his straight wage. Still doesn't matter, according to the wise and merciful government attorneys.
To those patients, and family of patients, with real and painful chronic conditions who sympathize with the doctors who have been helping them, please take a moment to express your compassion. Write to your congressmen and protest the crusading zeal with which the government authorities are steamrolling over doctors doing their best to cope with a bad situation. In Dr. Reppy's case, Congressman Bill Young is trying to help, and some mail or calls to his office would likely be useful. Strike a blow for justice, and vent your disapproval today.


  1. I am so digusted with the government and its interfering with my medical care. This is not a political statement, this means you! You and your very personal relationship with you physician. Doctors are there to help alleviate and cure disease. Dr. Reppy is by far one of the finest men and Doctors I have ever gotten care from. The government persecution MUST STOP and MUST STOP NOW. Call your congressmen, your local representatives and make them stop interfering with patient and doctor relationships. We are adults and capable of making grown up choices and decisions. I can't see going without doctors like Dr. Reppy. He is true to his word and understands through his faith about suffering. His only intent is to stop the suffering. Thanks for reading and SPEAK UP! Do you want the cops reading your personal medical files? Do you want to be discriminated by your DNA or some other pre existing conditions or be precluded from a job based on your medical history. THIS IS WRONG and BAD ETHICS if you ask me. I pay taxes and I VOTE! BEWARE POLITICIANS who toy with the principles mentioned above. Your term can be awful short and you job in politics will be over too if you continue to dismantle patient / physician relationships

  2. hello all. supporters and none. i just want to say Dr. Robert Reppy is everything you've in the blog and more. I know this because i Talk to
    him most eveytime time before an exanimanition(or visit) about his family (2 daughters) whom i feel like i know:) as do he inquire about my personal well and personal life. Beyond being a pain managment advacet,and talk about Dr.reppy being slanderded beyond what is just! I feel Dr. Reppy is part of a upstand community of Dr.
    that are doing what is right for their Pations,at the same time having to look over their sholder? Mind you ther are many not practicing with the same morals. but at the end of the day it preventing Dr. Like Dr.Reppy forom being able to treat these people as they needed. having said that i'm not going to kick a dead horse,but i you feel strongly enough about this write bill young ! and congress as a whole.lets stop the persacution a a man that has not been charged with anything but being in the wrong place at the wron time! alson to all of you who dont need care and who prey on Dr. that want to help stop the non-scence! you hurting no one but your self... Miles

  3. I have long felt a special connection with herbal medicine. First, it's natural, Charlie attended the same small college in Southern California - Claremont Men's College - although he dropped out of school to enroll in the Julliard School of Performing Arts in New York. York. Had he been to Claremont, he would have been senior the year I started there; I often thought that was the reason he was gone when he discovered that I had herpes. So, my life was lonely, all day, I could not stand the pain of the outbreak, and then Tasha introduced me to Dr. Itua who uses her herbal medicines to cure her two weeks of consumption. I place an order for him and he hands it to my post office, then I pick it up and use it for two weeks. All my wound is completely healed no more epidemic. I tell you honestly that this man is a great man, I trust him Herbal medicine so much that I share this to show my gratitude and also to let sick people know that there is hope with Dr. Itua. Herbal Center.Dr Itua Contact ... 2348149277967
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